Breakout Session Notes

Click below on any of the breakout topics to see what you missed or review what you heard!
We will have guest speaker and author Robert Thune, plus other breakout sessions, all discussing the theme Made for More.

Where: Fellowship Bible Church
When: April 5th at 5pm - 2pm April 6th
Cost: $45
We will also provide dinner and breakfast for you!
Childcare is available, but spots are limited.

Guest Speaker Bob Thune.

Robert (Bob) Thune (MA, Reformed Theological Seminary) is founding and lead pastor of Coram Deo Church in Omaha, Nebraska, and a Council member of The Gospel Coalition. He is the author of Gospel Eldership, coauthor of The Gospel-Centered Life and The Gospel-Centered Community, and creator of the Daily Liturgy podcast. In addition to his work as a pastor and writer, he coaches and trains church leaders and helps to lead a classical Christian school.

Check Out Our Breakout Sessions.


The Gospel Applied to Family

Leading a family can be both a challenge and a gift from God. This session is all about how the Gospel impacts how we care for our wives, disciple our children, and lead a home that is centered on the Gospel.
Worship Center

The Gospel Applied to Community

When we follow Jesus, we not only receive relationship with God, but we also receive community to follow God alongside. This session is all about how to find, create, and sustain meaningful friendships centered around the Gospel.
Kidslife Theater

The Gospel Applied to Calling

What is God's will for my life? Should I marry that person? Should I get that degree? Should I take that job? If these are questions you ask yourself from time to time, this is for you. This session all about how the Gospel impacts how we view our calling.
The Mix


Gospel Truths I Learned in my 20s

Assigned based on your age. (Ages < 30)
Kidslife Theater

Replacing Ambition with Faithfulness

Assigned based on your age. (Ages 30 - 54)
Worship Center

Leaving a Legacy

Assigned based on your age. (Ages 55 +)
The Mix


Christianity & Politics

The need for Christians to engage in politics with wisdom, compassion, and confidence is becoming more and more apparent. This session is all about how we can engage in politics well as followers of Christ.
The Mix

Financial Stewardship

One of the main things God has given us to steward is our finances. This session is all about how to make a budget, get out of and avoid debt, invest wisely, and allow Scripture to inform how we steward our finances.

Discerning Your Calling

This session will be identical to "The Gospel Applied to our Calling" on Friday night. Where God has you right now and will lead you in the future, is by no mistake. This session is all about how to be as faithful as possible in where God has you now and will lead you in the future.
Worship Center