Gospel Centered Worship
God created humanity to worship Him (Colossians 1:16). We express this act of praise and worship through song and music (Psalm 150), and what a joy to do this with other believers! As one voice, we magnify God, exalt Christ, remind ourselves of truth, encourage God’s people, and show our thanks (Colossians 3:16)! Do you feel the weight of that? This is no small thing. Here, at Fellowship Bible Church, we love getting to sing about our God and proclaim the goodness of the Gospel together in worship.

Many ways to serve!
Do you love singing, playing an instrument, running ProPresenter, programming lights, directing a livestream broadcast, or running front of house sound? If you love one of these things or more we have a place for you to serve!
Team members who are skilled in one or two specific instruments and desire to use their ability to worship the Lord.
Team members that are skilled singers and worship leaders who desire to use their ability to worship the Lord.
Team members who are skilled in camera directing and broadcasting technology. These team members are both experienced and trained on the job!
Team members who love technology and want to learn how to use things like ProPresenter (slides), Onyx (lighting), or a Soundboard to bring glory to God and enhance the worship experience.